Song of the Babaylan
"For the first time in Philippine babaylan studies, we have a scholarly, comprehensive and artistic work which integrates strong advocacy and features the Philippine babaylan (babailan; ma-aram) as an artist-singer, aside from her/his being a rich source of ethno-medical and spiritual knowledge. I consider this book a "must"reading, not only for the Filipino scholar, artist and cultural worker, but for all other scholars and researchers interested in indigenous studies." -Alicia P. Magos (Cultural anthropologist, advocate for the revival of Philippine indigenous cultures, University of the Philippines-Visayas professor emeritus, former director of the Center for West Visayan Studies, author of "The Enduring Ma=aram Tradition: An Ethnography of a Kinara-a Village in Antique")
Paperback : 400 pages
ISBN-10 : 9719517034
ISBN-13 : 978-9719517030
Publisher : Institute of Spirituality in Asia (January 1, 2013)
Language: : English