Sulat Kamay
Kamay means "Hand" in Tagalog.
Please note that because this is 100% handwritten, there may be slight variations of brush size, thickness, and alignment. You can have your tattoo artist move things around to fit your body part or fill in to make it a bit more solid as in some of the photos. If you want something 100% unique, go with this. If you want something "uniform/even" like a font, do not order this. Select Baybayin Brush font option instead
This includes consultation, artwork, and translation starting at $34.99 (USD) for 1 word. I’ll send you a high-resolution graphic file within about 7-10 business days. Large/complicated custom orders will take a bit longer. Message me for rush orders. You can print it and take it to your local tattoo artist and they can resize it.
**Please add notes in the cart "Special instructions for seller" with the name/words you would like. . Note if you want the style BRUSH or SOLID calligraphy style.
It's important to me that you understand the cultural identity of Baybayin. I don't want you to have something that just looks cool, although it is. You need to understand the context of the script and how it relates to our pre-colonial past. The purpose a tattoo is to have something personal, right?
Digital vs Ink
Ink style will have brush strokes and have splashes like my pieces on paper
For an additionally unique experience, I can record writing out your words. Feel free to post on social media.
Prices for 1 direction (horizontal or vertical layout)
$5 extra for horizontal and vertical